Thursday, December 4, 2008

Journal #2

Okay, nothing really. Not sleeping again but what else is new. I have been reading a book called Scent of Roses. It's a mystery on a murder that happened on a farm. I love reading it I just can't put it down. I'm always wondering what's going to happen next. I had read it about three years ago and just had an urge to read it again. And I do have to say I forgot a lot and finally understand what was going on. I mean I knew but I don't know it's hard to explain. I love to read and write but reading this book has got me leaping out of my skin. I get so exited when Zack throws in something cool but a corny line. And Elizabeth with her strong mind and will. Yeah that's really all that is going on right now.


CWJess08 said...
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CWJess08 said...

Okay I'm trying this again lol.
I love the movie Bambi too! I always cry when I watch that movie. It's so sad in the begining but it ends up being so cute. That's definetly one of my favorite movies ever.

JJ said...

Bambi Wasd nto one of my favorite movies. It just was a very boring movie. I felt the deer Idea Disney went with was boring. But you've given me the thought to to re watch the movie. Bambi is such a sad movie in the begining but it gets better. Ill try it again. Just for you.


CwChrissy08 said...

Hey. This is a bit belated, but I'm a procrastinator. I loved your description of Bambi. I haven't seen it in ages, but I remember well loving it. Thumper has to be my favorite rabbit in the movies. =]