Sunday, February 8, 2009

have you ever thought about life. How it just goes on without stopping when you need time. I hate when that happens. When you need time to chill life doesn't give it to you. I wish life could stop for at least an hour so I can take time and smell the roses. But yuo know what they say when life gives you lemons MAKE LEMONAID!!!!! Can you believe that though?

I wish.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Fur so soft
Can it be mine
I know it's yours
But it would be dainty to have
My tutelary
My elan
Fur as soft as your fervor
I come to you for salvation
As I am your safe haven
Protection from all calamitous
And myself of all people
Your fur is my hiding
As my mind is yours
Hide me from the evil within
Help me over look all in my way
Keep me safe
Chattels are lurking all around me

don't leave

Shine and shine
Time again
Make my dreams come true
To wish upon
Something sweet
To be the elation
Deep within
I can not be away so far
But to be near so dear
I wish to be one
I cannot part
With the
My fetter
My anima
My inevitability
Come to me
Be within
I cannot be so apart

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I like all kinds of poetry especially to the ones you can relate to. I really like poems by Robert Frost. He has a lot I can relate to about life. My favorite is Fire and Ice. And the line I most relate to is "From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire." I like that it rhyms and that you can relate but the thing that makes me crazy about this poem is that it makes you think. Poems that make you think or even easy to understand. But I like ripping apart the poem and finding the meaning behind it all. The line that I quoted I think it means that since you know what you want you might as well go after it because you want the adrenalin to take over.

Monday, January 12, 2009

In biology class

I walk in the door
Without a minute to lose
The lights turn out
It's time for notes

What fun to learn
All in blue and green to read

The teacher walks back and forth
Drawing on the board
You hear the wind howl
It must be biter out

Time ticking by
Looking up every time
Waiting to hear the bell ring
Wishing class would just end

Homework is being passed out
Few seconds left
The bell rings
We all flee in joy that class is over.